Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Marketing Challenges of the 21st Century

Marketing, like science, is dynamic and always changing.

Changes in the marketing world is a necessity due to the business world as a master of marketing is constantly changing-adjusting to the progress of time.

Despite the changes, the marketing can not escape from the three components that always accompanies; consumers, competitors and the company.

These three components are always present in any discussion about marketing.

The era of globalization is large enough to influence the marketing and grow new challenges in the marketing profession today.

Marketers need to be able to understand how events that exist in various parts of the world affect the domestic market and the opportunities search for new breakthroughs, and of course how these developments will affect the pattern of corporate marketing.

Twenty-first century has arrived. People call this one of the 21st century as the century of information.

Information systems world  by telecommunications and computer (internet) will greatly influence lifestyle, political systems, social-cultural, and economic trends.

Each field much supported and influenced by the world of information.

Marketing a lot to do with consumers, will also be affected by the information.

Even the marketing world will not be able to live if no information, in whatever form that information.

Moreover, there has been a paradigm shift in marketing, from transactional marketing (transactional marketing) towards relationship marketing (relationship marketing).
Relationship marketing, we know, can not escape from the information.

MARKETING CHALLENGE Information is going to be a cornerstone of marketing in the 21st century.

However, information is not a single stand.

He information-will be supported by a lot of other things outside of the study area information.

Thus, in addition to marketing will be heavily influenced by the information, in the self-marketing will shift pergeser's new strategic nature.

In the 21st century there are some challenges for the marketing profession.

1. Challenges of Vision Often marketing decisions based more on meeting the demands of the present.
In a global context where the competitive advantage of products and services have a shorter age, such things can not be maintained anymore.

Responsibility to see into the future burden of marketing executives.

It is thus not an exaggeration to say marketers are required to be a visionary marketer and holistic strategic thinking and can turn on the function of marketing intelligence and corporate real intelligence.

Self-development is ideally a visionary marketer needs to adopt ideology that promotes entrepreneurial proactivity and accept responsibility as a major innovator and risk taker.

Marketing must have the courage to break the stability and creative in determining marketing strategies.

Young people macamRichard Kartawijaya (Microsoft Indonesia), Barry G Lesmana (Citibank), Betty Alisyahbana (USI IBM), Noble Tambunan (Telkomsel), is a visionary marketer who would much coloring Indonesia marketing world of the 21st century.

2. Challenges in Power Marketing The main runway is the humanizing power marketing customer customer centered summarized in the concept of marketing.

Thus, the consumer is the subject, not the object of marketing.

Power marketing will focus on three key words; moving, caring and inovating.

Moving become the cornerstone to answer the surge of competition and demand dynamics are always fluctuating due to higher customer expectations.

In this embodiment, the moving must be accompanied by a concern to customers (caring) through measures of innovation (inovating) in the areas of strategy, management, and product /service.

Innovation is a process to deliver added value to customers.

Customer satisfaction will spawn trust and long term relationships that are sustainable, which means to create customer loyalty.

Customer relationships are not just mere rational relationship to the plains, but has penetrated deep into the realm of customer emotions.

So that the market share held not only mind share, but has entered into share heart region.

3. Challenges to Transferable Marketing Marketing costs to enter the global arena, would logically increase as well.

One way to improve the cost efficiency of marketing is to utilize transferable.

Meaning of tranferable marketing is making marketing patterns that can be used for multiple locations or target market with an enhanced degree of universality.

A good example is the marketing concept of the DeBeers diamond.

DeBeers made in London and Hong Kong, while exploiting distributed to various locations, including Indonesia.

This deployment (including benefits and the model) adjusted to the local situation of the country.

4. Challenges in Brand Management In an effort to improve gait in a global world, marketers are challenged to enhance brand reputation.

The role of brand reputation becomes more important to the context of the 21st century due to the large number of brands available in the market.

Therefore, companies need to be grown in a work climate characterized by pride of the brand (brand minded culture).

Analysis should also be noted the implementation realities of the brand into the minds of consumers in order to determine the strategy to increase brand identity.

In the 21st century house brand or private label are manufactured by many companies.

In Indonesia house brand made by many retail businesses such as Sun, Hero and Macro.

For solar house brand products are branded clothes Stanley Adams and M-2000.

While Hero supermarkets play a lot in the house brands, such as; Innosence for baby products, Hero Selection for a soft drink, and a Hero to products industries.

For Macro, the company named its product house brand with sebutanAro.

5. Challenges in Marketing Ethics Consumer society and the present, and even more in the future, be concerned about the quality and begin to pay attention to the moral and social responsibility of the company.

Included in this context is the level of morality of any marketing decisions and impacts on stakeholders as a whole.

It is further heightened by the range of opinion relating to the marketing slant, such as product engineering, improper labeling and advertising, as well as predatory pricing.

In situations where competition becomes tighter and reputation become important capital, then inevitably all policies and decisions must be based on the code of ethics and established by companies and professional associations.

The main code of conduct that must be considered by marketers are: honesty and fairness in the marketing process, a code of ethics in the field of promotion, pricing and distribution policies, codes of ethics in marketing research and commitment in advancing human civilization.

Marketing challenges of the 21st century as mentioned above is a thing that can not be avoided by marketers if they want to win the competition.

Early Marketers must be able to anticipate a substantial change of marketing.

The anticipation is not too difficult. It takes only two ways; optimize intelligence and make friends with change.

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